Breadcrumbs are a navigation help that lists links to the pages you have recently opened. They allow you to quickly return to a page you visited recently.
The appearance of breadcrumbs may vary depending on the theme of the wiki. Some themes may not display breadcrumbs at all. According to the theme, breadcrumbs may not be displayed in small-screen devices.
You can control the maximum number if links displayed via the wiki admin pages. This setting applies to all users.
This page was modified on 4 Nov 2015 at 8:13 PM.
====== Breadcrumbs ======
Breadcrumbs are a navigation help that lists links to the pages you have recently opened. They allow you to quickly return to a page you visited recently.
The appearance of breadcrumbs may vary depending on the theme of the wiki. Some themes may not display breadcrumbs at all. According to the theme, breadcrumbs may not be displayed in small-screen devices.
===== Settings =====
You can control the maximum number if links displayed via the wiki admin pages. This setting applies to all users.